Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 18:52:31 +0100
From: barnacle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Toshiba Laptop Selection

On Wednesday 14 July 2004 02:30, you wrote:
> Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 21:29:02 EDT
> Subject: Re: [LIB] Toshiba Laptop Selection
> In a message dated 7/13/2004 9:48:52 AM Mountain Daylight Time,
> > > Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 15:31:55 EDT
> > > Subject: Toshiba Laptop Selection
> > >
> > > Fellow listers:
> > >
> > > I'm in the process of selecting a laptop PC for my daughter, who will
> > > head off to college in August.  Being a Libretto devotee, I'd prefer to
> > > get a Toshiba of some flavor, but I'm not as educated as I'd like on
> > > the older models that I can afford.  I'm looking for a PII machine, in
> > > the 300-400mHz range, preferably not a heavyweight but fairly
> > > light/thin, maybe a 10.4" or 12" LCD.  Can anyone help me out with
> > > suitable models I should be focusing on?  Thanks.
> >
> > Lee,
> >
> > From your criteria, you're probably looking at a portege. I have both the
> > 7020CT and the 3480CT.
> <snip>
> Neil,
> May I pick your brain on the 7020CT (7010 is similar I assume)?  I'm
> wondering about DOS hibernation.  Are these Porteges plagued with the
> Libretto hibernation issues, e.g., must I set up a blank area on the HDD
> for it?  If not, do you know how it's handled?  Thanks for any info you can
> supply.

It's just a smaller disk/memory version if I recollect properly. For what it's 
worth, I had the 7020 running with a 60GB disk in before I bought the 3840 
and swapped the disks round.

Do you know, the question of hibernation has never arisen... :) 

There's - afaik - no requirement for a defined partition if you're using a 
fat32 file system on your first partition. I certainly haven't made one or 
left any spaces, and I haven't noticed any missing files. With W2K I think 
the bios talks to windows to organise file storage; I suppose this means you 
need to have sufficient space on the C partition to save the backup file - 
basically, memory size plus four meg or so for the display.

Unfortunately I can't investigate; daughter has stolen the machine while I've 
been on my travels :)

If you hibernate windows, (and recalling that I have a winnux dual boot 
machine), on restarting the machine it begins with the boot loader - if I 
select linux it just gets on with it, if I start windows it un-hibernates as 

But it's very rare I hibernate; battery life for standby is a couple of 
hundred hours so that's a much faster option in both directions, and it has 
*never* overheated... and I run it in some pretty hot places.

I guess she'll be fine with it ( and possibly most important to her, if you 
put a big disc in, it's quite fast enough to decode mp3s!)


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