Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 20:03:40 +0200
From: Dion Forster (iBook) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Libretto 100CT and Linux


It has been YEARS since I have posted to the list. I have a Libretto 100CT overclocked to 266Mhz, with a 20Gig hard drive and 64MB of ram. I use a Sandisk CF Wireless card (with a PCMCIA CF adaptor) and Windows 98 (with 98Lite installed) to do a bit of Web browsing (firefox) and MS Word XP to do some word processing.

Some time ago I moved off my Libretto (which by the way, I had used as my ONLY machine for some years. In fact I did my whole Masters Thesis on a Libretto 50CT! And a great deal of my PhD on the 100CT). Now however, I have a Sony Vaio C1-MGP (similar size to Libby 100, but with 770Mhz processor, can take up to 384MB ram, has USB, firewire, built in modem, built in webcam, external DVD ROM and CDR). I also use a 12" Apple Powerbook (1.33Ghz, 768MB Ram, DVD-CDR etc. etc.)

Ha ha, in fact this post is written on ANOTHER small notebook I have, a 12" G3 500Mhz iBook...)

Right, to the questions:
1. Since my Libretto was standing for a while, the battery has gone completely dead. It used to give about 3-4 hours on a charge, I left it unplugged with just the battery for about 2 months, now it doesn't charge at all. Is there any way to revive the battery?

2. I would love to put Linux on my Libby! I have Redhat 9 (and 7) and I can get Mandrake 10.1. What is the best, (read EASIEST), installation to put on my Libby. I have the PCMCIA floppy drive, a wireless network card, a 'wired' network card and an external hard drive casing.... Any ideas and help would be most appreciated!



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