Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 17:11:25 -0800 (PST)
From: Matt Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Charging problem on 50ct Error code

--- Jürgen Schöll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to believe this, but is there anyone, who could confirm this
> by  translating the error code?

Well... from what I can figure out from the service manual, that sequence
of blinks should indicate a battery pack problem where the, "Battery
voltage is over the limit."

To determine the error code, the sequences have to be converted from binary
to hex.  It seems your series of blinks would calculate to 10h.  Though I'm
not up on the very technical aspects of things.

Neil just posted the URL to his copy of the 50/70 manual here: 

So have a look in there.  Here's what I copied from the pertinent section:


2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting

The power supply controls many functions and components. To determine if
the power supply is functioning properly, start with Procedure 1 and
continue with the other Procedures as instructed. The procedures described
in this section are:

Procedure 1: Power Status Check
Procedure 2: Error Code Check
Procedure 3: Connection Check
Procedure 4: Replacement Check

Procedure 1 Power Status Check

The following icons indicate the power supply status:

q Battery icon
q DC IN icon

The power supply controller displays the power supply status through the
Battery and the DC IN icons as shown in the tables below.

Table 2-1 Battery icon

Battery icon      Power supply status
============      ===================
Lights orange     Quick charge *1
Lights green      Battery has a full charge and the AC adapter is connected
Blinks orange     The battery level becomes low while operating the
computer on
(even intervals)  battery power*2
Doesn’t light     Any condition other than those above. If the battery 
                  becomes too hot charging will stop and the battery icon 
                  will go out even if the AC adapter is connected

*1 One of two battery levels becomes low.
*2 AutoResume Off will be executed soon.

Table 2-2 DC IN icon

DC IN icon        Power supply status
==========        ===================

Lights green      DC power is being supplied from the AC adapter
Blinks orange     Power supply malfunction*3
Blinks green      Stand-by state
Doesn’t light     Any condition other than those above

*3 When the power supply controller detects a malfunction, the DC IN icon 
blinks and an error code is displayed.

To check the power supply status, install a battery pack and connect an AC

Check 1 If the DC IN icon flashes orange, go to Procedure 2.
Check 2 If the DC IN icon does not light, go to Procedure 3.
Check 3 If the Battery icon does not light orange or green, go to Procedure

CAUTION: Use only an AC adapter that is manufactured specifically for the
Libretto 50CT/70CT. If you use a different AC adapter, the computer’s power
supply may malfunction or a fuse on the system board may be blown.

Procedure 2 Error Code Check

If the microprocessor detects a malfunction, the DC IN icon blinks orange.
The blink pattern indicates an error as shown below.

[X] Start Off for 2 seconds
[X] Error code (8 bit)

"1": On for one second
"0": On for half second
Interval between data bits:  Off for half second

Error codes begin with the least significant digit. For example:

Error code 12h (Error codes are given in hexadecimal)


On:  ------|    |-| |--| |-| |-| |--|_|-|_|-|_|-|
Off:       |____|0|_|1 |_|0|_|0|_|1 |_|0|_|0|_|0|___

           Start^ -------------Order----------->

             Bit 0   1    2   3   4    5   6   7

[X][X] Check 1 Convert the DC IN icon blink pattern into the hexadecimal
error code and compare it to the tables below.

[X] DC power supplied through AC adapter

Error code      Meaning
==========      =======

01h             AC adapter voltage is over the limit (16.5 V)

[X] Battery pack

Error code     Meaning
==========     =======

10h            Battery voltage is over the limit
11h            Battery charge current is over the limit
12h            Battery discharge current is over the maximum allowed
               limit when there is no load
13h            Battery voltage is under the limit

[X] B5V,VCC output

Error code     Meaning
==========     =======

20h            VCC voltage is over the limit
21h            VCC voltage is under the limit
22h            VCC does not start up when power supply is turned on

[X] B3V output

Error code     Meaning
==========     =======

30h            B3V voltage is over the limit
31h            B3V voltage is under the limit
33h            B3V does not start up when the power supply is turned on

[X] Power supply microcontroller

Error code     Meaning
==========     =======

50h            Firmware or program error

[X] CPU environmental condition

Error code     Meaning
==========     =======

80h            CPU temperature is outside the allowable range
88h            CPU overheat
               (The CPU heat sensor has detected overheating and
               has automatically shut down)

[X][X] Check 2 If error code 01h displays:

[X] Be sure the AC adapter is firmly connected to the computer DC IN socket
and to the power source. If these cables are connected correctly, go to the
following step:

[X] Replace the AC adapter with a new one.
If the error still exists, go to Procedure 4.

[X][X] Check 3 If error code 10h displays:

[X] Make sure the battery pack is correctly installed in the computer.
If it is, go to the following step:

[X] Replace the battery pack with a new one.
If the error still exists, go to Procedure 4.

[X][X] Check 4 When 88h displays, it indicates that the CPU temperature is 
outside the allowable operating range. Do the following:

[X] Leave the computer in an area that is about room temperature until the
CPU’s internal temperature is within the allowable operating range.
If the error still exists, go to Procedure 4.

[X][X]Check 5 If error code 11h displays:

[X] Go to Procedure 3.

[X][X] Check 6 For any other error, go to Procedure 4.

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Matt Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Libretto" <>
> Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 7:47 AM
> Subject: Re: [LIB] Charging problem on 50ct Error code
> > Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 22:45:06 -0800 (PST)
> > From: Matt Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [LIB] Charging problem on 50ct Error code
> >
> > Jürgen...  I had the AC plug in my 50CT fail just a few weeks back.  I
> > wonder if you're having the same problem.
> >
> > I pluged in the AC cord without the battery inserted, and the system
> > started to boot, but then suddenly shut down.  I looked into the
> Libby's 
> > AC
> > socket, and found that I could move one of the metal connectors.  I
> took
> > the system apart, and found that the plastic socket had broken into 2
> > pieces.  I just haven't gotten around to epoxying the two halves back
> > together.
> >
> > I wonder if what you're seeing is the same broken AC connector that
> > sometimes makes a connection with the power cord, and sometimes
> doesn't.
> > The batteries then sometimes getting charged, and then going dead and
> > causing the blinking LEDs??
> >
> > Matt
> >
> >
> > --- Jürgen Schöll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2005 18:33:52 +0100
> >> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (=?iso-8859-1?Q?J=FCrgen_Sch=F6ll?=)
> >> Subject: Charging problem on 50ct Error code
> >>
> >>
> >> Hello folks, maybe someone can help me.
> >> Yesterday my beloved libretto suddenly crashed.
> >> Everything went dark, the battery led was dark, only the DC-IN led
> >> flashes.
> >> The libretto was connected with the AC adapter to the wall socket, a
> 2600
> >> mh battery was in the libretto.
> >> The led flashes an error code - I suppose: After 2 seconds off at the
> >> start, there are 4 short flashes, then
> >> comes 1 long flash (1 second) und then follow 3 short flashes. Then
> again
> >> 2 seconds dark, 4 short flashes and so on.
> >> It looks like 0000 1 000. Is this a binary signal? What is the
> meaning?
> >> The AC- adapter seems to be ok. It gives 15,08 V and I can use the
> >> libretto with the small batteries (1300 hm).
> >> The charging of this small batteries is ok. I can use the libretto
> >> without any battery, only withe the AC-adapter.
> >> I tried a totally new battery (2600 mh), all went dark, I can't charge
> >> it. I tried a small older battery, everything seemd to be ok.
> >> Today morning I retried an older 2600 mh battery, which caused
> yesterday
> >> the same faults.
> >> Now the charging led lights orange, everything seems allright.
> >> When I insert another older battery, which produced the evening before
> >> the above mentioned faults, everything went dark, only the error code
> >> flashes.
> >> When I insert the new uncharged battery (2600 mh) nothing goes, the
> DC-in
> >> led flashes the error code.
> >> When I unplug the libretto, replug ist and then insert an 1300 mh
> battery
> >> everything goes.
> >> The batteries, which work, have a voltage of 12,5 V at the most
> outward
> >> contacts and 11,97 V between
> >> contact 1 and 3. The batteries, that don't work have slightly
> different
> >> voltages: 12,53 most outward, 12,03 between contact 1 and 3.
> >> I don't think that matters.
> >> I have no idea, what is wrong.
> >> The contacts of the batteries are ok. Not all 2600 mh batteries are
> >> broken. The AC-adapter charges (but only small batteries).
> >>
> >> Cheers
> >>
> >> Jürgen
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > __________________________________
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 

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