Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:37:37 +1000
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Please Help Me With New Hard Drive Install

At 03:28 PM 26/03/2005 -0800, you wrote:
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 15:26:11 -0800
From: John Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please Help Me With New Hard Drive Install

The hard drive in my L110 is, I think, dying - makes loud clicking noise frequently. So I stopped using the Lib, then bought a new 30GB Samsung drive.

I used Disk Management in Win XP to create two partitions in the new drive - the first (call it c:) from 0GB to 7.5GB, primary and active, the second (call it d:) from 9GB to 30GB, primary and not active. I left an unpartitioned area from 7.5GB to 9GB for the hibernation file (more than needed, I think).

Whoa you really ARE playing it safe!

I then used Norton Ghost to back up the primary and active partition of the old drive (c:, where the OS lives and where it boots from) to the drive of my desktop. Then I used Norton Ghost to restore that backup to the primary and active partition (c:) of the new drive.

Are you *SURE* it's active? I only ask because I've made that mistake before - I thought Ghost had set the partition to active and it hadn't.

I installed the new drive in my Lib and booted up. Result? "Disk error press any key to restart".

What step have I overlooked? I hope to avoid having to install Win XP and all my apps from scratch, because that is such a tedious process.
I had the Lib set up exactly as I wanted it.

Did the MBR go across as well? I haven't used Ghost for a while but if you ghost a partition from an image, it doesn't touch the MBR (even if you ghost all the partitions). Of course, if you ghosted the entire drive into an image file then restored it, it *should* have pushed the MBR across as well ... but you never know ...

By the way, I used the backup-then-restore process rather than cloning, because I couldn't get my desktop to see both the old and new drives at once, even when I had them both plugged in - they were on the same IDE cable using 40-to-44 pin adapters.

Did you remember to set one to slave?

Good luck!

- Raymond


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