Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 21:51:46 -0800 (PST)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Lost Libretto 1100V

>      I am a student at a university outside of
> Cleveland, Ohio.  I had gotten in the habit of leaving
> my Libretto in one of the computer labs on campus
> accessories were stolen from the lab.  I have filed a
> report with campus security but they are ineffectual
> at recovering stolen equipment.

  Don't forget to file with the local police, and to check every month for
their list of recovered (but ownerless) items.  You may have to wait up to a
year to see if anything shows up.

>      I was wondering if people on this list could look
> out for my Libretto.  I don't have great expectations

  No problem.  The 1100V is so rare in the USA, if anyone has one, it'll be
easy to spot.

> Voice Recorder:
> Sony ICD-BP100 digital voice recorder

  Latest ICD-BP1 and the Sanyo Diply recorders sold in Japan are good
alternatives in the meantime if you need one.  I chose the Sanyo Diply because
they a) record directly into MP3 format b) have a decently wide 40-15,000Hz
recording range (the sony goes up to 44.1khz or thereabouts) c) and it has a
built-in USB connector so you can plug & play it.


  Other than that, you may also want to put out a color flyer on the bulletin
boards with a small reward and a photo of the unit -- the size of the ff1100v
and the type is again, so rare and unusual, anyone who spots it and has seen
the poster will know what it is.


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