Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 14:33:38 +0000
From: "Nick L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Flipstart--first impressions

>  I looked at the OQO and in my opinion it couldn't compare without better
>  heat control and due to the fact you have to either hold it in your hands
>  all the time or carry a dock station around with it. Like right now I am
>  sitting comfortably at dun bros having coffee and the flipstart is resting
>  in my lap as I type this email on it. If I was using the oqo I'd have to
>  hold the thing and I am just too lazy for that:)!

I know what you mean - that was one of my bugbears with the old Samsung
Nexio XP30 I had...  My mate is planning on using a bluetooth keyboard with
a built in stand for the OQO, but by the time you've done that you might as
well carry a thing with a decent keyboard.

I'll have another look at the flipstart.  You've inspired me :)


"Why don't you go and bother that nice Ms Rowling?" - Terry Pratchett

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