On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 12:10:06PM +0200, Akim Demaille wrote:
> >>>>> "Gary" == Gary V Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Gary> Hmm.  I'm pretty sure autoconf 2.13 set target to "NONE".
> Yes, it did, definitely.  But it makes the code much simpler not to
> give a default value.  Now, if you think this is the beginning of
> troubles, we might change it back :(

Nup.  No problem with the change here. 

Right now I (and I think the whole libtool team) use CVS libtool with
Autoconf-2.13 and Automake-1.4.  The idea is that libtool-1.4 should
be compatible with the current stable releases of the other two.  Also
I am somewhat snowed right now, otherwise I would probably try out
other combinations to forestall trouble when Autoconf-2.15 is released.

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