On Sun, 28 May 2000, Kevin Atkinson wrote:

> On Sun, 28 May 2000, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> > I think it's ML specific as it explicitly adds libstdc++.a. HEAD branch
> > checks
> > for -lstdc++ if it's static and drops it from the linker call
> Unless I am mistaken the non ML branch simple does not include -lstdc++ AT
> ALL when making C++ libraries, thus libstdc++ being static is not a
> problem.  In fact I believe the non ML branch does not do anything special
> when creating C++ libraries.  It only known to call c++ when compiling and
> linking executables.

I was just informed that the HEAD branch does indeed drop static library
dependencies when making shared libraries.  Perhaps the HEAD branch needs
to be merged with the ML branch or is it something else?

Kevin Atkinson

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