On Tuesday 17 April 2001  4:25 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Apr 16 20:49:52 2001
> >
> > > - When building libtool without run-time-linking, my changes do still
> > > create a lib<name>.a.  However, it is an actual archive containing the
> > > shared object (just like the quirky way the rest of AIX does it).
> > >   What you end up with is a libltdl.a that contains both the shared and
> > > the non-shared object.  This is not really what was intended, and would
> > > likely cause problems if you ever really needed to use the non-shared
> > > object, but for the most part it seems to work.  The only other thing I
> > > can think to do is not bulid the non-shared object in this case.
> >
> > Is this the best approach?  (I am not arguing that it isn't... I just
> > want you to reassure me that having distinct linktime vs. runtime library
> > names is more broken on AIX than what you have in your current patch).
> Hi Gary,
> Could you explain this a little more, I'm not sure I understand what you
> are asking?
> Dan

Hi Dan!

Sorry.  I meant to say that this seems really screwy, and were you sure that 
having a separate static and shared lib would be even worse?  However, Russ 
and Alexandre have already persuaded me that your approach is correct, so no 
need to answer =)O|

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