2013/11/8 Václav Zeman <vhais...@gmail.com>

> The -mwindows switch says that your are compiling a Windows GUI
> application, which implies WinMain() function. If you are not doing that,
> remove the switch and (maybe) use -mconsole instead. See
> http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/i386-and-x86_002d64-Windows-Options.html for
> explanations of the switches.

I think the issue can rather be concerned with the use of SDL.
As I mentioned above, when I link using
gcc -o slayer.exe file.o font.o image.o input.o slayer.o symbols.o video.o
-mwindows -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -lSDL_image -lSDL_ttf -lguile-2.0
the linkage succeeds.
Note that, although the -D option shouldn't have any influence on the
it does replace main with SDL_main during the compilation of object files,
and I think it's the SDL_main library that contains the actual entry point.

However, the question is not how to get the things built (because I already
managed to do so), but how to adjust the build system (i.e. configure.acand/or
various Makefile.am files) so that it builds the things properly. In
I didn't put the -mwindows there in the first place, so I have no option to
it or replace it.


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