Welcome Ileana!

Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> writes:

> On 13 Jan 2024 14:49, Ileana Dumitrescu wrote:
>> My short term plans are to review the numerous mailing list patches and 
>> get them merged in. This will be an easy and productive first step for 
>> me and libtool. I will also look at the various distro patches and see 
>> if any of them are fit to be upstreamed as I have noticed some of the 
>> distros have been accruing a lot of patches as well.
> i think we should aim to kick out something new sooner rather than later.


If what's on git master passes self checks, I would package it and
prepare an alpha release and announce that to pretesters mailing list.
Assuming there is nothing in git master that really upsets you and needs
to be backed out.  Don't look at more patches until a first pretest
release is out, IMHO, as I'm sure one can go mad pondering implications
of a libtool patch forever...


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  • ... Ileana Dumitrescu
    • ... Mike Frysinger
      • ... Simon Josefsson via Discussion list for the GNU libtool shared library maintenance tool
        • ... Ileana Dumitrescu
          • ... Simon Josefsson via Discussion list for the GNU libtool shared library maintenance tool
            • ... Mike Frysinger
              • ... Ozkan Sezer
                • ... Vincent Lefevre
                • ... Ileana Dumitrescu
                • ... Mike Frysinger
                • ... Ozkan Sezer
                • ... Mike Frysinger
          • ... Mike Frysinger

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