On 17/01/2024 19:07, Ozkan Sezer wrote:
Please remember to check with debbugs.gnu.org:

There are plenty of bugs in there. E.g.:

Yes, there's quite a lot that have piled up. I'll do my best to triage and address them when possible. Patches are always appreciated.

Ileana Dumitrescu

GPG Public Key: FA26 CA78 4BE1 8892 7F22 B99F 6570 EA01 146F 7354

Attachment: OpenPGP_0x6570EA01146F7354.asc
Description: OpenPGP public key

Attachment: OpenPGP_signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

  • ... Ileana Dumitrescu
    • ... Mike Frysinger
      • ... Simon Josefsson via Discussion list for the GNU libtool shared library maintenance tool
        • ... Ileana Dumitrescu
          • ... Simon Josefsson via Discussion list for the GNU libtool shared library maintenance tool
            • ... Mike Frysinger
              • ... Ozkan Sezer
                • ... Vincent Lefevre
                • ... Ileana Dumitrescu
                • ... Mike Frysinger
                • ... Ozkan Sezer
                • ... Mike Frysinger
          • ... Mike Frysinger
            • ... Mike Frysinger
              • ... Ileana Dumitrescu
      • ... Vincent Lefevre

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