Having recently reinstalled one of my Windows 7 platforms, I just found that, while plugging the WinUSB WCID enabled Benchmark device, after a search through Windows Update the WinUSB driver was installed automatically the same way as it would be on the WCID enabled Windows 8 platform [1].

A second test on a different machine appears to confirm that at least for x86 and x64 Windows 7, Windows Update now provides a full blow WinUSB WCID driver for any device that can report the USB\MS_COMP_WINUSB Compatible Hardware ID.

Closer inspection seems to indicate that:

1. Once Windows Update has churned through the search, a winusbcompat.inf, dated 2012.05.11, gets installed in

2. The inf provider for that file is identified as "Windows Phone", and the resulting driver package installed is set to version, though the winusb.sys is still the 6.1.7601.17514 system one. This version discrepancy seems to be due to Microsoft setting DriverVer to "05/11/2012,1.0" in the .inf.

In other words, Windows 7, and possibly earlier versions up to XP SP1, have now been brought up to the level of Windows 8 in terms of WCID capabilities, albeit with the major difference that Windows 8 doesn't have to fetch the driver from Windows Update, and therefore can offer near-instantaneous & offline WinUSB installs.

This is probably good news for Windows libusb/libusbx users, as well as libusb/libusbx as a whole, since it should invite USB manufacturers to simply add the WinUSB WCID to their devices and avoid the user installation headaches with USB drivers on Windows.
Not sure how this will impact libusb-win32 & libusbK though...



[1] https://github.com/pbatard/libwdi/wiki/WCID-Devices
>>>  [Device Install (Hardware initiated) - USB\VID_04D8&PID_FA2F\LUSBW1]
>>>  Section start 2012/07/11 18:01:41.287
     ump: Creating Install Process: DrvInst.exe 18:01:41.297
     ndv: Retrieving device info...
     ndv: Setting device parameters...
     ndv: Searching just Driver Store...
     dvi: {Build Driver List} 18:01:41.748
     dvi:      Searching for hardware ID(s):
     dvi:           usb\vid_04d8&pid_fa2f&rev_0001
     dvi:           usb\vid_04d8&pid_fa2f
     dvi:      Searching for compatible ID(s):
     dvi:           usb\ms_comp_winusb
     dvi:           usb\class_00&subclass_00&prot_00
     dvi:           usb\class_00&subclass_00
     dvi:           usb\class_00
     cpy:      Policy is set to make all digital signatures equal.
     dvi:      Enumerating INFs from path list 'C:\Windows\INF'
     inf:      Searched 0 potential matches in published INF directory
     inf:      Searched 35 INFs in directory: 'C:\Windows\INF'
     dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 18:01:42.071
     ndv: Selecting best match from just Driver Store...
     dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV} 18:01:42.073
     dvi:      No class installer for 'Benchmark Device'
     dvi:      No CoInstallers found
     dvi:      Default installer: Enter 18:01:42.075
     dvi:           {Select Best Driver}
!    dvi:                Selecting driver failed(0xe0000228)
     dvi:           {Select Best Driver - exit(0xe0000228)}
!    dvi:      Default installer: failed!
!    dvi:      Error 0xe0000228: There are no compatible drivers for this 
     dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV - exit(0xe0000228)} 18:01:42.078
     ndv: Searching Windows Update for drivers... 18:01:42.129
     ndv: Acquired WU search serialization mutex. 18:01:42.129
     ndv: About to release WU search serialization mutex. 18:02:04.830
     ndv: Found driver on Windows Update, downloading - 0.0 MB... 18:02:04.831
     dvi: {Build Driver List} 18:02:11.426
     dvi:      Searching for hardware ID(s):
     dvi:           usb\vid_04d8&pid_fa2f&rev_0001
     dvi:           usb\vid_04d8&pid_fa2f
     dvi:      Searching for compatible ID(s):
     dvi:           usb\ms_comp_winusb
     dvi:           usb\class_00&subclass_00&prot_00
     dvi:           usb\class_00&subclass_00
     dvi:           usb\class_00
     cpy:      Policy is set to make all digital signatures equal.
     dvi:      Enumerating INFs from path list 
     sig:      {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE} 18:02:11.446
     sig:           Key      = winusbcompat.inf
     sig:           FilePath = 
     sig:           Catalog  = 
     sig:           Success: File is signed in catalog.
     sig:      {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0x00000000)} 18:02:11.518
     dvi:      Created Driver Node:
     dvi:           HardwareID   - USB\MS_COMP_WINUSB
     dvi:           InfName      - 
     dvi:           DevDesc      - WinUsb Device
     dvi:           DrvDesc      - WinUsb Device
     dvi:           Provider     - Windows Phone
     dvi:           Mfg          - WinUsb Device
     dvi:           ModelsSec    - Generic.Section.NTamd64.6.0
     dvi:           InstallSec   - WinUsbDriver
     dvi:           ActualSec    - WinUsbDriver.NT
     dvi:           Rank         - 0x00ff2000
     dvi:           Signer       - Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility 
     dvi:           Signer Score - WHQL
     dvi:           DrvDate      - 05/11/2012
     dvi:           Version      -
     inf:      Searched 1 INFs in directory: 
     dvi: {Build Driver List - exit(0x00000000)} 18:02:11.528
     ndv: Selecting best match from Windows Update... 18:02:11.528
     dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV} 18:02:11.529
     dvi:      No class installer for 'Benchmark Device'
     dvi:      No CoInstallers found
     dvi:      Default installer: Enter 18:02:11.531
     dvi:           {Select Best Driver}
     dvi:                Selected driver installs from section [WinUsbDriver] 
     dvi:                Class GUID of device changed to: 
     dvi:                Set selected driver complete.
     dvi:                Selected:
     dvi:                     Description - [WinUsb Device]
     dvi:                     InfFile     - 
     dvi:                     Section     - [WinUsbDriver]
     dvi:                     Signer      - [Microsoft Windows Hardware 
Compatibility Publisher]
     dvi:                     Rank        - [0x00ff2000]
     dvi:           {Select Best Driver - exit(0x00000000)}
     dvi:      Default installer: Exit
     dvi: {DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV - exit(0x00000000)} 18:02:11.538
     inf: {SetupCopyOEMInf: 
     sto:      {Import Driver Package: 
     sto:           Importing driver package into Driver Store:
     sto:                Driver Store   = C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore 
(Online | 6.1.7601)
     sto:                Driver Package = 
     sto:                Architecture   = amd64
     sto:                Locale Name    = neutral
     sto:                Flags          = 0x00000008
     sto:           Copying driver package files to 
     inf:           Opened INF: 
     inf:           Opened INF: 
     inf:           Opened INF: 
     flq:           {FILE_QUEUE_COPY}
     flq:                CopyStyle      - 0x00000000
     flq:                SourceRootPath - 
     flq:                SourceFilename - 'winusbcompat.cat'
     flq:                TargetDirectory- 
     flq:           {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
     flq:           {FILE_QUEUE_COPY}
     flq:                CopyStyle      - 0x00000000
     flq:                SourceRootPath - 
     flq:                SourceFilename - 'winusbcompat.inf'
     flq:                TargetDirectory- 
     flq:           {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
     flq:           {_commit_file_queue}
     flq:                CommitQ DelNodes=0 RenNodes=0 CopyNodes=2
     flq:                {_commit_copy_subqueue}
     flq:                     subqueue count=2
     flq:                     source media:
     flq:                          SourcePath   - 
     flq:                          SourceFile   - [winusbcompat.cat]
     flq:                          Flags        - 0x00000000
     flq:                     {_commit_copyfile}
     flq:                          CopyFile: 
     flq:                                to: 
     flq:                          MoveFile: 
     flq:                                to: 
     flq:                     {_commit_copyfile exit OK}
     flq:                     {_commit_copyfile}
     flq:                          CopyFile: 
     flq:                                to: 
     flq:                          MoveFile: 
     flq:                                to: 
     flq:                     {_commit_copyfile exit OK}
     flq:                {_commit_copy_subqueue exit OK}
     flq:           {_commit_file_queue exit OK}
     pol:           {Driver package policy check} 18:02:11.817
     pol:           {Driver package policy check - exit(0x00000000)} 
     sto:           {Stage Driver Package: 
     inf:                Opened INF: 
     inf:                Opened INF: 
     inf:                Opened INF: 
     sto:                Copying driver package files:
     sto:                     Source Path      = 
     sto:                     Destination Path = 
     flq:                {FILE_QUEUE_COPY}
     flq:                     CopyStyle      - 0x00000010
     flq:                     SourceRootPath - 
     flq:                     SourceFilename - 'winusbcompat.cat'
     flq:                     TargetDirectory- 
     flq:                {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
     flq:                {FILE_QUEUE_COPY}
     flq:                     CopyStyle      - 0x00000010
     flq:                     SourceRootPath - 
     flq:                     SourceFilename - 'winusbcompat.inf'
     flq:                     TargetDirectory- 
     flq:                {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
     flq:                {_commit_file_queue}
     flq:                     CommitQ DelNodes=0 RenNodes=0 CopyNodes=2
     flq:                     {_commit_copy_subqueue}
     flq:                          subqueue count=2
     flq:                          source media:
     flq:                               SourcePath   - 
     flq:                               SourceFile   - [winusbcompat.cat]
     flq:                               Flags        - 0x00000000
     flq:                          {_commit_copyfile}
     flq:                               CopyFile: 
     flq:                                     to: 
     flq:                               MoveFile: 
     flq:                                     to: 
     flq:                          {_commit_copyfile exit OK}
     flq:                          {_commit_copyfile}
     flq:                               CopyFile: 
     flq:                                     to: 
     flq:                               MoveFile: 
     flq:                                     to: 
     flq:                          {_commit_copyfile exit OK}
     flq:                     {_commit_copy_subqueue exit OK}
     flq:                {_commit_file_queue exit OK}
     sto:                {DRIVERSTORE_IMPORT_NOTIFY_VALIDATE} 18:02:11.930
     inf:                     Opened INF: 
     sig:                     {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE} 18:02:11.944
     sig:                          Key      = winusbcompat.inf
     sig:                          FilePath = 
     sig:                          Catalog  = 
     sig:                          Success: File is signed in catalog.
     sig:                     {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0x00000000)} 
     sto:                     Driver package is valid.
     sto:                {DRIVERSTORE_IMPORT_NOTIFY_VALIDATE exit(0x00000000)} 
     sto:                Verified driver package signature:
     sto:                     Digital Signer Score = 0x0D000005
     sto:                     Digital Signer Name  = Microsoft Windows Hardware 
Compatibility Publisher
     sto:                {DRIVERSTORE_IMPORT_NOTIFY_BEGIN} 18:02:12.027
     ndv:                     System restore not required for signed driver 
     sto:                {DRIVERSTORE_IMPORT_NOTIFY_BEGIN: exit(0x00000000)} 
     sto:                Importing driver package files:
     sto:                     Source Path      = 
     sto:                     Destination Path = 
     sto:                {Copy Directory: 
     sto:                     Target Path = 
     sto:                {Copy Directory: exit(0x00000000)} 18:02:12.045
     sto:                {Index Driver Package: 
     idb:                     Registered driver store entry 
     idb:                     Published 
'winusbcompat.inf_amd64_neutral_170b08b8ff60d7cc\winusbcompat.inf' to 
     idb:                     Published driver store entry 
     sto:                     Published driver package INF 'oem15.inf' was 
     sto:                     Active published driver package is 
     sto:                {Index Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 18:02:12.268
     sto:                {DRIVERSTORE_IMPORT_NOTIFY_END} 18:02:12.269
     ndv:                     No system restore point was set earlier.
     sto:                {DRIVERSTORE_IMPORT_NOTIFY_END: exit(0x00000000)} 
     sto:           {Stage Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 18:02:12.271
     ndv:           Doing device matching lookup!
     sto:           Driver package was staged to Driver Store. Time = 531 ms
     sto:           Imported driver package into Driver Store:
     sto:                Filename = 
     sto:                Time     = 702 ms
     sto:      {Import Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 18:02:12.324
     inf:      Opened INF: 
     inf:      Driver Store location: 
     inf:      Published Inf Path: C:\Windows\INF\oem15.inf
     inf:      Opened INF: 
     inf:      Installing catalog winusbcompat.cat as: oem15.CAT
     inf:      OEM source media location: 
     inf: {SetupCopyOEMInf exit (0x00000000)} 18:02:12.426
     dvi: Searching for hardware ID(s):
     dvi:      usb\vid_04d8&pid_fa2f&rev_0001
     dvi:      usb\vid_04d8&pid_fa2f
     dvi: Searching for compatible ID(s):
     dvi:      usb\ms_comp_winusb
     dvi:      usb\class_00&subclass_00&prot_00
     dvi:      usb\class_00&subclass_00
     dvi:      usb\class_00
     inf: Opened INF: 
     inf: Saved PNF: 
 (Language = 0409)
     dvi: Selected driver installs from section [WinUsbDriver] in 
     dvi: Class GUID of device changed to: 
     dvi: Set selected driver complete.
     ndv: Driver selected, now performing install...
     ndv: {Core Device Install} 18:02:12.445
     inf:      Opened INF: 'C:\Windows\INF\oem15.inf' ([strings])
     inf:      Saved PNF: 'C:\Windows\INF\oem15.PNF' (Language = 0409)
     inf:      Opened PNF: 'C:\Windows\INF\oem15.inf' ([strings])
     dvi:      {DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL} 18:02:12.465
     dvi:           No class installer for 'WinUsb Device'
     dvi:           No CoInstallers found
     dvi:           Default installer: Enter 18:02:12.467
     dvi:           Default installer: Exit
     dvi:      {DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL - exit(0xe000020e)} 18:02:12.468
     ndv:      Installing files...
     dvi:      {DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES} 18:02:12.481
     dvi:           No class installer for 'WinUsb Device'
     dvi:           Default installer: Enter 18:02:12.482
     dvi:                {Install FILES}
     inf:                     Opened PNF: 
     inf:                     Opened PNF: 'C:\Windows\INF\Winusb.inf' 
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section [WinUsbDriver.NT]}
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section [WinUsbDriver.NT] exit 
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section [WINUSB.NT]}
     inf:                          CopyFiles=WINUSB.CopyFiles  (Winusb.inf line 
     cpy:                          Open PnpLockdownPolicy: Err=2. This is OK. 
Use LockDownPolicyDefault
     flq:                          QueueSingleCopy...
     flq:                          Inf     : 
     flq:                          SourceInf: 'C:\Windows\INF\Winusb.inf'
     flq:                          SourceSection: [sourcedisksfiles]
     flq:                          Source root path based on SourceInf
     flq:                          SourceRootPath: 
     flq:                          {FILE_QUEUE_COPY}
     flq:                               CopyStyle      - 0x01000000
     flq:                               {FILE_QUEUE_COPY}
     flq:                                    CopyStyle      - 0x01000000
     flq:                                    SourceRootPath - 
     flq:                                    SourceFilename - 'winusb.sys'
     flq:                                    TargetDirectory- 
     flq:                                    TargetFilename - 'winusb.sys'
     flq:                                    SourceDesc     - 'windows cd'
     flq:                               {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
     flq:                          {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section [WINUSB.NT] exit 
     dvi:                     Processing co-installer registration section 
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section 
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section 
[WinUsbDriver.NT.CoInstallers] exit (0x00000000)}
     dvi:                     Co-installers registered.
     dvi:                     {Install INTERFACES}
     dvi:                          Installing section 
     dvi:                     {Install INTERFACES exit 00000000}
     dvi:                {Install FILES exit (0x00000000)}
     dvi:           Default installer: Exit
     dvi:      {DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES - exit(0x00000000)} 18:02:12.522
     ndv:      Pruning file queue...
     dvi:      {_SCAN_FILE_QUEUE}
     flq:           ScanQ flags=620
     flq:                SPQ_SCAN_PRUNE_COPY_QUEUE
     flq:                SPQ_SCAN_FILE_COMPARISON
     flq:                SPQ_SCAN_ACTIVATE_DRP
     flq:           ScanQ number of copy nodes=1
     flq:           File 'C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\winusb.sys' pruned from 
     sig:           Using catalog 
     cpy:           DrpSetRegFileProt 'C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\winusb.sys' 
Status=0 Class=Inbox Windows protected
     flq:           ScanQ action=200 DoPruning=32
     flq:           ScanQ end Validity flags=620 CopyNodes=0
     dvi:      {_SCAN_FILE_QUEUE exit(0, 0x00000000)}
     ndv:      Committing file queue...
     flq:      {_commit_file_queue}
     flq:           CommitQ DelNodes=0 RenNodes=0 CopyNodes=0
     flq:           CommitQ early exit: No nodes are queued
     flq:      {_commit_file_queue exit OK}
     ndv:      Registering CoInstallers...
     dvi:      {DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS} 18:02:12.719
     dvi:           No class installer for 'WinUsb Device'
     dvi:           Default installer: Enter 18:02:12.722
     inf:                Opened PNF: 
     inf:                {Install Inf Section [WinUsbDriver.NT.CoInstallers]}
     inf:                {Install Inf Section [WinUsbDriver.NT.CoInstallers] 
exit (0x00000000)}
     dvi:                Co-installers registered.
     dvi:           Default installer: Exit
     dvi:      {DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS - exit(0x00000000)} 18:02:12.729
     ndv:      Installing interfaces...
     dvi:      {DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES} 18:02:12.730
     dvi:           No class installer for 'WinUsb Device'
     dvi:           No CoInstallers found
     dvi:           Default installer: Enter 18:02:12.732
     dvi:                {Install INTERFACES}
     inf:                     Opened PNF: 
     dvi:                     Installing section [WinUsbDriver.NT.Interfaces]
     dvi:                {Install INTERFACES exit 00000000}
     dvi:           Default installer: Exit
     dvi:      {DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES - exit(0x00000000)} 18:02:12.736
     ndv:      Installing device...
     dvi:      {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE} 18:02:12.737
     dvi:           No class installer for 'WinUsb Device'
     dvi:           Default installer: Enter 18:02:12.738
     dvi:                {Install DEVICE}
     inf:                     Opened PNF: 
     inf:                     Opened PNF: 'C:\Windows\INF\Winusb.inf' 
     dvi:                     Processing Registry/Property directives...
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section [WinUsbDriver.NT]}
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section [WinUsbDriver.NT] exit 
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section [WINUSB.NT]}
     inf:                          AddReg=WINUSB.AddReg  (Winusb.inf line 27)
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section [WINUSB.NT] exit 
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section [WinUsbDriver.NT.Hw]}
     inf:                          Empty section
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section [WinUsbDriver.NT.Hw] exit 
     dvi:                     {Writing Device Properties}
     dvi:                          Provider name=Windows Phone
     dvi:                          DriverDate 05/11/2012
     dvi:                          DriverVersion=
     dvi:                          Class name=Universal Serial Bus devices
     dvi:                          Manufacturer=WinUsb Device
     dvi:                          Matching DeviceID=usb\ms_comp_winusb
     dvi:                          Strong 
     dvi:                     {Writing Device Properties - Complete}
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section [WINUSB.NT.Services]}
Addservice=WINUSB,0x00000002,WINUSB.AddService  (Winusb.inf line 34)
     inf:                          ServiceType=1  (Winusb.inf line 41)
     inf:                          StartType=3  (Winusb.inf line 42)
     inf:                          ErrorControl=1  (Winusb.inf line 43)
ServiceBinary=C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\WinUSB.SYS  (Winusb.inf line 44)
     inf:                          DisplayName="WinUsb Driver"  (Winusb.inf 
line 40)
     dvi:                          Add Service: Modified existing service 
     inf:                     {Install Inf Section [WINUSB.NT.Services] 
     dvi:                     Updated reflected section names for: oem15.inf
     dvi:                {Install DEVICE exit (0x00000000)}
     dvi:                Writing common driver property settings.
     dvi:                     DriverDescription=WinUsb Device
     dvi:                     DeviceDisplayName=WinUsb Device
     dvi:                Install Device: Restarting device. 18:02:12.816
     dvi:                Install Device: Restarting device completed. 
     dvi:           Default installer: Exit
     dvi:      {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE - exit(0x00000000)} 18:02:12.864
     dvi:      {DIF_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_FINISHINSTALL} 18:02:12.865
     dvi:           No class installer for 'WinUsb Device'
     dvi:           Default installer: Enter 18:02:12.866
     dvi:           Default installer: Exit
     dvi:      {DIF_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_FINISHINSTALL - exit(0xe000020e)} 
     ndv:      Device install status=0x00000000
     ndv:      Performing device install final cleanup...
     ndv: {Core Device Install - exit(0x00000000)} 18:02:12.874
     ump: Server install process exited with code 0x00000000 18:02:12.885
<<<  Section end 2012/07/11 18:02:12.890
<<<  [Exit status: SUCCESS]
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