On 7 February 2014 17:13, hgs16 <h...@rapsodo.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am having issues when trying to use synchronous calls from multiple
> threads.
> >From thread A I do libusb_bulk_transfer(dev_hnd,IN_EP,...) (read)  and in
> another thread B I do libusb_bulk_transfer(dev_hnd,OUT_EP,...) (write) to
> the same usb device using the same device handle.
> What I am noticing is, send call is blocked until till read call is
> released
> (say by timeout).

Assuming I've understood what you are describing, this doesn't sound like
correct behaviour.

> Is this expected behaviour?

It shouldn't be. I'm fairly certain that I've used libusb in a similar way
without a problem, for example I believe the barry project does exactly

> Kindly provide me with some insights to solve this issue.

What operating system are you using and which libusb version? Is it
possible to get the debug output from libusb for the situation you
describe? This should be possible to get by setting the LIBUSB_DEBUG
environment variable to 4.

Is there any possibility of sharing more information about the device you
are trying to communicate with and the code that you're using libusb in?


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