On Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 04:04:06PM +0400, Evgeniy Sokolov wrote:
> >
> >P.S. Now I am working on that:
> >
> >
> >
> >        P.S. Are someone going to implement
> >             <interface type='bridge'>
> >                ...
> >                 <source bridge="...">
> >                ...
> >              </interface>
> >        part of openvz driver? :)
> >
> >    I plan to implement it in a month.
> >    It will be fine if you are ready to develop the feature.
> >
> >
> >I'm using $veid.conf to store information about bridge device in the 
> >following manner:
> >for interface <ifname>, therhe will be a line
> >   #BRIGDE(<ifname>): <bridge name>
> >for example,
> >   #BRIDGE(veth101.0): virbr1
> >
> >Do you agree with that behaviour?
> I think we can simplify format to simplify parsing.
> #BRIDGE="virbr1:veth101.0,veth101.1,veth101.2"

There's no need to store  veth101.0, veth101.2 - they are automatically
generated & not intended to be stable across restarts. It is merely
neccessary to persist the name of the bridge (or virtual network) to
which they are attached, and the MAC address.

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