> If openvz kernel requries specification of a NIC name for inside the
> container, then this is an implemntation detail that the libvirt
> OpenVZ driver will have to deal with. It can auto-assign them to be
> eth0, eth1, etc. This is not exposed in the libvirt XML though, since
> it is not relevant to the host admin, only apps inside the guest.

> > * absolutely ignore the <target dev=".."> in openvz XML description
> As I said before this needs to reflect the name of the interface on
> the host side. It can be ignored when creating a guest, since for the
> majority of uses cases it can be safely auto-generated. It must be
> filled in when dumping XML for a guest, so the host admin knows which
> NIC in the host corresponds to the guest.

Here is the patch, that implements the following behaviour

* interface name inside container is automatically generated and equals
   where N is the number of that interface within current domain
* mac address of that interface inside container is generated automatically
   function openvzGenerateMac
* if <target dev=""> is specified, use it; otherwise, use the default openvz
   i.e., vethN.M for interface ethM in container with veid N
* if <mac address='...'> specified, use it; otherwise, vzctl will generate
it automatically
* <target dev> and <mac address> are (re)stored (from)to $veid.conf


Attachment: libvirt_openvz_ifaces_names_and_macs.patch
Description: Binary data

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