On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 11:13:50AM +0200, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> Currently, libvirtd will start a dnsmasq process for the virtual
> network, but (aside from killing the dnsmasq process and replacing it),
> there's no way to define tftp boot options.
> This change introduces the appropriate tags to the dhcp configuration:
>  <network>
>    <name>default</name>
>    <bridge name="virbr%d" />
>    <forward/>
>    <ip address="" netmask="">
>      <tftp root="/var/lib/tftproot" />
>      <dhcp>
>        <range start="" end="" />
>        <bootp file="pxeboot.img"/>
>      </dhcp>
>    </ip>
>  </network>
> When the attributes are present, these are passed to the
> arguments to dnsmasq:
>  dnsmasq [...] --enable-tftp --tftp-root /srv/tftp --dhcp-boot pxeboot.img
>                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                       from <tftp />                     from <bootp />
> Possible future features in this field include the following:
> - At present, only local tftp servers are supported (ie, dnsmasq runs as
> the tftp server), but we could improve this in future by adding a
> server= attribute to <bootp>.

I think we possibly ought to move <tftp> one level higher up, outside
of the <ip> tag, since you can have a TFTP server regardless of whether
we've configured IP/dhcp details, and in the future we may well have
multiple <ip> tags. 

> - Currently, the BOOTP file cannot be assigned to a specific <range> or
> <host>.  Even if this was implemented, it would still make sense to
> allow <bootp> appearing directly within the <dhcp> element, providing
> a global default.

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