On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 02:56:31PM -0700, Mitchell Hashimoto wrote:
> I've been working with Justin, and we've been making some progress.
> However, I have another question for this list. As a follow-up to
> this, I realized that when I download the snapshots and just
> "./configure; make; make install" then I get the lazy binding issue.
> However, if I go through the entire autogen process:
> ./autogen.sh
> make
> make install

Do you see a difference when ou run

  # grep VERSION_SCRIPT_FLAGS Makefile
  VERSION_SCRIPT_FLAGS = -Wl,--version-script=

between the plain 'configure' case, and the full autogen.sh case ?

Also, does the src/libvirt.syms look any different in either case ?

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