On Sun, Jul 08, 2012 at 08:52:01AM +0530, Ata Bohra wrote:
> Attached patch adds missing routines to esx interface driver, one of
> the missing routine is esxInterfaceDefineXML. I am currently working
> on it and will update patch soon. Also, patch addresses some of the
> changes needed in esx_vi_generator.py and esx_vi_types.c to deserialize
> "String List" types. 

Thanks for taking the time todo all this work !

> +/**
> + * Generates native XML descritpor for a given interface.
> + * For instance:
> + *    <interface type="bridge" name="%s">
> + *      <start mode="onboot"/>"
> + *      <mtu size="%d"/>"
> + *      <mac address="%s"/>
> + *      <protocol family="ipv4">
> + *         <dhcp/>
> + *         <ip address="%s" prefix="%d"/>
> + *         <route gateway="%s"/>
> + *      </protocol>
> + *      <bridge stp="off">
> + *         <interface type="ethernet" name="%s">
> + *            <mac address="%s"/>
> + *         </interface>
> + *      </bridge>
> + *    </interface>
> + */
> +static char*
> +esxGetNativeInterfaceXMLDesc(const esxVI_HostVirtualNic *virtualNic,
> +                             const esxVI_HostIpRouteConfig *ipRouteConfig,
> +                             const esxVI_PhysicalNic *physicalNicList,
> +                             const unsigned int flags)
> +{
> +    const esxVI_PhysicalNic *physicalNic = NULL;
> +    xmlDocPtr doc = NULL;
> +    xmlNodePtr root = NULL;
> +    xmlNodePtr startNode = NULL;
> +    xmlNodePtr mtuNode = NULL;
> +    xmlNodePtr protocolNode = NULL;
> +    xmlNodePtr bridgeNode = NULL;
> +    xmlNodePtr dhcpNode = NULL;
> +    xmlChar *xmlbuff = NULL;
> +    int use_static = 0;
> +    struct in_addr addr;
> +    uint32_t host_addr = 0;
> +    int zero_count = 0;
> +    int masklen = 0;
> +    int i = 0;
> +    virBuffer item = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER;
> +    int bufferSize = 0;
> +    char *ret = NULL;
> +
> +    if (VIR_INTERFACE_XML_INACTIVE & flags) {
> +        use_static = 1;
> +    }
> +
> +    doc = xmlNewDoc(XML_CAST "1.0");
> +    root = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, XML_CAST "interface", NULL);

You must not construct XML documents manually like this. We have
an internal data structure for representing the inteface configuration
that you should populate. This has an API for generating the correct
formed XML document.  See the structs & APIs in src/conf/interface_conf.h

The same applies for parsing XML too - use the inteface APIs.

> +
> +    xmlNewProp(root, XML_CAST "type", XML_CAST "bridge");
> +    xmlNewProp(root, XML_CAST "name", XML_CAST virtualNic->device);
> +    xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root);
> +
> +    /* define boot start mode */
> +    startNode = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, XML_CAST "start", NULL);
> +    xmlNewProp(startNode, XML_CAST "mode", XML_CAST "onboot");
> +
> +    /* append mtu value */
> +    mtuNode = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, XML_CAST "mtu", NULL);
> +    virBufferAsprintf(&item, "%d",virtualNic->spec->mtu &&
> +                                  virtualNic->spec->mtu->value ?
> +                                  virtualNic->spec->mtu->value :
> +                                  1500);
> +    const char *mtustr = virBufferContentAndReset(&item);
> +    if (mtustr == NULL) {
> +        virReportOOMError();
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }
> +    xmlNewProp(mtuNode, XML_CAST "size", XML_CAST mtustr);
> +
> +    /* append mac address field */
> +    if (!use_static && virtualNic->spec->mac) {
> +        xmlNodePtr mac_node = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, XML_CAST "mac", NULL);
> +        xmlNewProp(mac_node, XML_CAST "address",
> +                   XML_CAST virtualNic->spec->mac);
> +    }
> +
> +    /* TODO - Handle VLAN (via portgroup?) */
> +    if (virtualNic->spec->ip->subnetMask &&
> +        *virtualNic->spec->ip->subnetMask &&
> +        inet_aton(virtualNic->spec->ip->subnetMask, &addr) == 0) {
> +                  _("Error parsing netmask"));
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }
> +
> +    host_addr = ntohl(addr.s_addr);
> +    /* Calculate masklen */
> +    for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
> +        if (host_addr & 0x01) {
> +             break;
> +        }
> +        zero_count++;
> +        host_addr >>= 1;
> +    }
> +    masklen = 32 - zero_count;
> +
> +    /* append protocol field */
> +    /* TODO - Add IPv6 Support */
> +    protocolNode = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, XML_CAST "protocol", NULL);
> +    xmlNewProp(protocolNode, XML_CAST "family", XML_CAST "ipv4");
> +    if (virtualNic->spec->ip->dhcp == 1) {
> +        dhcpNode = xmlNewChild(protocolNode, NULL, XML_CAST "dhcp", NULL);
> +        /* avoids compiler warning */
> +        VIR_DEBUG("dhcpNode name: %s", (char *)dhcpNode->name);
> +    }
> +
> +    if (virtualNic->spec->ip->dhcp != 1 || !use_static) {
> +        if (virtualNic->spec->ip->ipAddress &&
> +            *virtualNic->spec->ip->ipAddress) {
> +            xmlNodePtr ipAddrNode =
> +                xmlNewChild(protocolNode, NULL, XML_CAST "ip", NULL);
> +            xmlNewProp(ipAddrNode, XML_CAST "address", XML_CAST
> +                                virtualNic->spec->ip->ipAddress);
> +
> +            virBufferAsprintf(&item, "%d", masklen);
> +            const char *maskstr = virBufferContentAndReset(&item);
> +            if (maskstr == NULL) {
> +                virReportOOMError();
> +                goto cleanup;
> +            }
> +            xmlNewProp(ipAddrNode, XML_CAST "prefix", XML_CAST maskstr);
> +
> +            xmlNodePtr routeNode =
> +                xmlNewChild(protocolNode, NULL, XML_CAST "route", NULL);
> +            xmlNewProp(routeNode, XML_CAST "gateway",
> +                              XML_CAST ipRouteConfig->defaultGateway);
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    /* Add bridge information */
> +    bridgeNode = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, XML_CAST "bridge", NULL);
> +    xmlNewProp(bridgeNode, XML_CAST "stp", XML_CAST "off");
> +
> +    for (physicalNic = physicalNicList;
> +         physicalNic != NULL;
> +         physicalNic = physicalNic->_next) {
> +        xmlNodePtr bridgeIfaceNode =
> +            xmlNewChild(bridgeNode, NULL, XML_CAST "interface", NULL);
> +        xmlNewProp(bridgeIfaceNode, XML_CAST "type", XML_CAST "ethernet");
> +        xmlNewProp(bridgeIfaceNode, XML_CAST "name",
> +          XML_CAST physicalNic->device);
> +
> +        xmlNodePtr bridgeIfaceMacNode =
> +            xmlNewChild(bridgeIfaceNode, NULL, XML_CAST "mac", NULL);
> +        xmlNewProp(bridgeIfaceMacNode, XML_CAST "address",
> +          XML_CAST physicalNic->mac);
> +    }
> +
> +    xmlDocDumpFormatMemory(doc, &xmlbuff, &bufferSize, 1);
> +    if (xmlbuff == NULL) {
> +        virReportOOMError();
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }
> +
> +    ret = strdup((char *)xmlbuff);
> +    if (ret == NULL) {
> +        virReportOOMError();
> +        goto cleanup;
> +    }
> +
> + cleanup:
> +    VIR_FREE(mtustr);
> +    if (xmlbuff != NULL) {
> +        xmlFree(xmlbuff);
> +    }
> +    xmlFreeDoc(doc);
> +
> +    return ret;
> +}
> +static int

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