Thanks for your inputs Daniel, please see inline. 

> Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 09:21:36 +0100
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [libvirt] [PATCH] ESX: interface driver routines
> On Sun, Jul 08, 2012 at 08:52:01AM +0530, Ata Bohra wrote:
> > Attached patch adds missing routines to esx interface driver, one of
> > the missing routine is esxInterfaceDefineXML. I am currently working
> > on it and will update patch soon. Also, patch addresses some of the
> > changes needed in and esx_vi_types.c to deserialize
> > "String List" types. 
> Thanks for taking the time todo all this work !
> > +/**
> > + * Generates native XML descritpor for a given interface.
> > + * For instance:
> > + *    <interface type="bridge" name="%s">
> > + *      <start mode="onboot"/>"
> > + *      <mtu size="%d"/>"
> > + *      <mac address="%s"/>
> > + *      <protocol family="ipv4">
> > + *         <dhcp/>
> > + *         <ip address="%s" prefix="%d"/>
> > + *         <route gateway="%s"/>
> > + *      </protocol>
> > + *      <bridge stp="off">
> > + *         <interface type="ethernet" name="%s">
> > + *            <mac address="%s"/>
> > + *         </interface>
> > + *      </bridge>
> > + *    </interface>
> > + */
> > +static char*
> > +esxGetNativeInterfaceXMLDesc(const esxVI_HostVirtualNic *virtualNic,
> > +                             const esxVI_HostIpRouteConfig *ipRouteConfig,
> > +                             const esxVI_PhysicalNic *physicalNicList,
> > +                             const unsigned int flags)
> > +{
> > +    const esxVI_PhysicalNic *physicalNic = NULL;
> > +    xmlDocPtr doc = NULL;
> > +    xmlNodePtr root = NULL;
> > +    xmlNodePtr startNode = NULL;
> > +    xmlNodePtr mtuNode = NULL;
> > +    xmlNodePtr protocolNode = NULL;
> > +    xmlNodePtr bridgeNode = NULL;
> > +    xmlNodePtr dhcpNode = NULL;
> > +    xmlChar *xmlbuff = NULL;
> > +    int use_static = 0;
> > +    struct in_addr addr;
> > +    uint32_t host_addr = 0;
> > +    int zero_count = 0;
> > +    int masklen = 0;
> > +    int i = 0;
> > +    virBuffer item = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER;
> > +    int bufferSize = 0;
> > +    char *ret = NULL;
> > +
> > +    if (VIR_INTERFACE_XML_INACTIVE & flags) {
> > +        use_static = 1;
> > +    }
> > +
> > +    doc = xmlNewDoc(XML_CAST "1.0");
> > +    root = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, XML_CAST "interface", NULL);
> You must not construct XML documents manually like this. We have
> an internal data structure for representing the inteface configuration
> that you should populate. This has an API for generating the correct
> formed XML document.  See the structs & APIs in src/conf/interface_conf.h
> The same applies for parsing XML too - use the inteface APIs.
[AB]: I am using the predefined API provided by src/conf/interface_conf.h/c to 
generate the libvirt domain XML returned from this function 
(virInterfaceDefParseString). Analyzing the interface_conf.h, there are couple 
of ways to get interfaceDefPtr: virInterfaceDefParseString, 
virInterfaceDefParseFile or virInterfaceDefParseNode. So instead of preparing 
the native XML by using virBuffer technique I prepared XML document which is 
then given to virInterfaceDefParseString() to generate virInterfaceDef object 
and further used to generate libvirt domain interface XML file 
(virInterfaceDefFormat). While coding I found the XML one easy to read and 
follow. Please correct me if wrong. 
> > +
> > +    xmlNewProp(root, XML_CAST "type", XML_CAST "bridge");
> > +    xmlNewProp(root, XML_CAST "name", XML_CAST virtualNic->device);
> > +    xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root);
> > +
> > +    /* define boot start mode */
> > +    startNode = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, XML_CAST "start", NULL);
> > +    xmlNewProp(startNode, XML_CAST "mode", XML_CAST "onboot");
> > +
> > +    /* append mtu value */
> > +    mtuNode = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, XML_CAST "mtu", NULL);
> > +    virBufferAsprintf(&item, "%d",virtualNic->spec->mtu &&
> > +                                  virtualNic->spec->mtu->value ?
> > +                                  virtualNic->spec->mtu->value :
> > +                                  1500);
> > +    const char *mtustr = virBufferContentAndReset(&item);
> > +    if (mtustr == NULL) {
> > +        virReportOOMError();
> > +        goto cleanup;
> > +    }
> > +    xmlNewProp(mtuNode, XML_CAST "size", XML_CAST mtustr);
> > +
> > +    /* append mac address field */
> > +    if (!use_static && virtualNic->spec->mac) {
> > +        xmlNodePtr mac_node = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, XML_CAST "mac", 
> > NULL);
> > +        xmlNewProp(mac_node, XML_CAST "address",
> > +                   XML_CAST virtualNic->spec->mac);
> > +    }
> > +
> > +    /* TODO - Handle VLAN (via portgroup?) */
> > +    if (virtualNic->spec->ip->subnetMask &&
> > +        *virtualNic->spec->ip->subnetMask &&
> > +        inet_aton(virtualNic->spec->ip->subnetMask, &addr) == 0) {
> > +                  _("Error parsing netmask"));
> > +        goto cleanup;
> > +    }
> > +
> > +    host_addr = ntohl(addr.s_addr);
> > +    /* Calculate masklen */
> > +    for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
> > +        if (host_addr & 0x01) {
> > +             break;
> > +        }
> > +        zero_count++;
> > +        host_addr >>= 1;
> > +    }
> > +    masklen = 32 - zero_count;
> > +
> > +    /* append protocol field */
> > +    /* TODO - Add IPv6 Support */
> > +    protocolNode = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, XML_CAST "protocol", NULL);
> > +    xmlNewProp(protocolNode, XML_CAST "family", XML_CAST "ipv4");
> > +    if (virtualNic->spec->ip->dhcp == 1) {
> > +        dhcpNode = xmlNewChild(protocolNode, NULL, XML_CAST "dhcp", NULL);
> > +        /* avoids compiler warning */
> > +        VIR_DEBUG("dhcpNode name: %s", (char *)dhcpNode->name);
> > +    }
> > +
> > +    if (virtualNic->spec->ip->dhcp != 1 || !use_static) {
> > +        if (virtualNic->spec->ip->ipAddress &&
> > +            *virtualNic->spec->ip->ipAddress) {
> > +            xmlNodePtr ipAddrNode =
> > +                xmlNewChild(protocolNode, NULL, XML_CAST "ip", NULL);
> > +            xmlNewProp(ipAddrNode, XML_CAST "address", XML_CAST
> > +                                virtualNic->spec->ip->ipAddress);
> > +
> > +            virBufferAsprintf(&item, "%d", masklen);
> > +            const char *maskstr = virBufferContentAndReset(&item);
> > +            if (maskstr == NULL) {
> > +                virReportOOMError();
> > +                goto cleanup;
> > +            }
> > +            xmlNewProp(ipAddrNode, XML_CAST "prefix", XML_CAST maskstr);
> > +
> > +            xmlNodePtr routeNode =
> > +                xmlNewChild(protocolNode, NULL, XML_CAST "route", NULL);
> > +            xmlNewProp(routeNode, XML_CAST "gateway",
> > +                              XML_CAST ipRouteConfig->defaultGateway);
> > +        }
> > +    }
> > +
> > +    /* Add bridge information */
> > +    bridgeNode = xmlNewChild(root, NULL, XML_CAST "bridge", NULL);
> > +    xmlNewProp(bridgeNode, XML_CAST "stp", XML_CAST "off");
> > +
> > +    for (physicalNic = physicalNicList;
> > +         physicalNic != NULL;
> > +         physicalNic = physicalNic->_next) {
> > +        xmlNodePtr bridgeIfaceNode =
> > +            xmlNewChild(bridgeNode, NULL, XML_CAST "interface", NULL);
> > +        xmlNewProp(bridgeIfaceNode, XML_CAST "type", XML_CAST "ethernet");
> > +        xmlNewProp(bridgeIfaceNode, XML_CAST "name",
> > +          XML_CAST physicalNic->device);
> > +
> > +        xmlNodePtr bridgeIfaceMacNode =
> > +            xmlNewChild(bridgeIfaceNode, NULL, XML_CAST "mac", NULL);
> > +        xmlNewProp(bridgeIfaceMacNode, XML_CAST "address",
> > +          XML_CAST physicalNic->mac);
> > +    }
> > +
> > +    xmlDocDumpFormatMemory(doc, &xmlbuff, &bufferSize, 1);
> > +    if (xmlbuff == NULL) {
> > +        virReportOOMError();
> > +        goto cleanup;
> > +    }
> > +
> > +    ret = strdup((char *)xmlbuff);
> > +    if (ret == NULL) {
> > +        virReportOOMError();
> > +        goto cleanup;
> > +    }
> > +
> > + cleanup:
> > +    VIR_FREE(mtustr);
> > +    if (xmlbuff != NULL) {
> > +        xmlFree(xmlbuff);
> > +    }
> > +    xmlFreeDoc(doc);
> > +
> > +    return ret;
> > +}
> > +static int
> Regards,
> Daniel
> -- 
> |:      -o- :|
> |:              -o-    :|
> |:       -o- :|
> |:       -o- :|

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