On 09/14/2012 04:59 PM, Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 04:18:21PM +0200, Wido den Hollander wrote:
On 09/13/2012 02:19 PM, Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 03:46:43PM +0200, Wido den Hollander wrote:
On 09/10/2012 03:23 PM, Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 03:00:57PM +0200, Wido den Hollander wrote:
On 09/10/2012 02:29 PM, Daniel Veillard wrote:
any idea how to tell the main maven site to refetch ? Even though we
added the checksums, http://search.maven.org still don't show 0.4.8

No, not a clue. It could be that it reads maven-metadata-local.xml
and sees that lastUpdated hasn't changed, so no need for any futher

I have a couple of things for 0.4.9 I want to fix, so when that
comes out, lastUpdated changes and hopefully maven will see that?

  yeah ... So what kind of changes do you have in mind ? To be honnest
I would like to make a release soon :-)

Ok, I've been reading some docs and found:
* http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-central-repository-upload.html
* https://docs.sonatype.org/display/Repository/Central+Sync+Requirements

When you check the list on the second link it seems that the POM
file for libvirt-java is missing the <developers> section which is
mandatory now.

I'm sure there is some kind of validation tools available somewhere
or it's really a bad use of XML :-)

doesn't seems to have any <developers> section though ...

Hmm, indeed. That's odd. I'm not such a Maven guru, I've just been searching on the web to find any clue of what went wrong.

I'm not sure about these two lines though:
* If the project packaging is jar, and the jar file contains java
classes, there must be a -javadoc.jar for main artifact.
* If the project packaging is jar, and the jar file contains java
classes, there must be a -sources.jar for main artifact.

   Well "ant docs" creates and populate a target/javadoc/ so
we ought to be able to package that as jar somehow
   And well the source are here too

I checked the maven-ant-tasks repo and saw they are providing these

For now we can simply put a README file in both those JAR files
pointing to libvirt.org?

You can manually create both these JAR files and see if the central
repo fetches them then?

   Looking at the maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3-javadoc.jar example, it seems
to directly contain the HTML files
   (cd target/javadoc && jar cvf ../libvirt-java-0.4.9-javadoc.jar .)
seems to do the trick and
   jar cvf libvirt-java-0.4.9-sources.jar AUTHORS build.properties \
   build.xml ChangeLog INSTALL libvirt-java.spec.in LICENCE NEWS \
   pom.xml.in README.in README src/  test.sh
to generate a sources one

   I will push those out and checksum those, let's see how it goes,

I just wrote a patch for the build.xml, see: https://github.com/wido/libvirt-java/commit/bb0dbb09b0991503ab8e1948ce985192dc027d71

$ ant maven

That should also generate a sources and javadoc artifact now.



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