Brian - Had I read your code more closely, I would have
seen this! I agree with you that handling this at the
LWP layer makes more sense than handling it in

David Carter

On Tue, 2 Dec 2003 14:07:43 -0400, "Brian Cassidy"
> In my WWW::Mech sub-class, I'm not actually modifying
> the response.
> WWW::Mech extracts the content out into its own
> variable, thus I do the same
> for the uncompressed content. If you happen to ask for
> WWW::Mech's response
> object ($a->response()) then you'll get the compressed
> data and you'll have
> to deal with that on your own.
> I'm not really sure how you'd have to handle it in LWP
> at this point. I'd
> prefer this be adapted in such a way that you wouldn't
> have to mess with the
> original response data.

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