Phil Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >There is actually no easy way to do that.  They are inserted by the
> >protocol module when it feels they are appropriate.  Can you explain
> >why you need them to to go away?
> I need them to go away because I want Perl to look just like an
> application that normally requests the data I'm looking for. The app
> doesn't write "Connection" or "TA" headers, so I don't want Perl to
> write them either. After all, why bother spoofing a user-agent
> string if you proceed to send some other headers that immediately
> fingerprint you as a perl script?

So you are not on friendly terms with the server you are trying to
access then.  Oh well,...

> >The "Connection: close" will go away of you pass the keep_alive option
> >to the LWP::UserAgent.  If you insist hard on the "TE" header to be
> >disabled you you try something like:
> >
> >  push(@LWP::Protocol::http::EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS, SendTE => 0);
> >
> >before you send your first request.
> Thanks! That succeeded in nuking the "TA" header. But, I'm still
> getting the "Connection" header when I use: my $ua =
> LWP::UserAgent->new(keep_alive => 1);
> I've simply managed to change the "Connection: close" into
> "Connection: Keep-Alive".
> Any advice, or am I stuck?

Seems like you can try to push (PeerHTTPVersion => "1.1") onto the
@EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS to supress this one as well.

> ps. I also looked at Net::HTTP as a lower-level option for what I'm
> doing, but I need the proxy feature from LWP::UserAgent.

It's no problem taking to a proxy with Net::HTTP, but it is certainly
easier to use LWP::UserAgent.


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