The "lwp-request, GET, HEAD, POST - Simple WWW user agent"  utilities
never display the response body if the response code is an error.  For
RESTful web services this suppresses potential debug information.

Background: I am writing an API for my web app; documentation (out of date
but enough to get the gist) on what I am doing is at  The client is expected to be a program, not a
browser, so I use response status codes to communicate specifics about
errors and the response body to communicate useful debugging hints.  A
typical error response is:

HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Content-Type: text/plain

There is already a playlist with this title.

However, requests made using lwp-request never display the response body
if there is an error.  lwp-request does this:
if ($response->is_success){
} else {
        print STDERR $response->error_as_HTML unless $options{'d'};

And that turns into the boilerplate HTML in HTTP/
sub error_as_HTML
    my $self = shift;
    my $title = 'An Error Occurred';
    my $body  = $self->status_line;
    return <<EOM;

I am expecting clients to be shell scripts using the lwp-request
utilities, so it's important for the debug messages to be displayed.

The fix: in GET, I have added a -D flag to display the response body even
if there is an error.  This seemed like a good cognate next to -d, which
always suppresses the response body.  Here is the patch, diff'd against my
local copy of GET, which may not be the most recent:

bash-2.05a$ diff /usr/bin/GET GET
>       'D', # LG patch -- display response body even on error
>         # LG patch to support my added -D flag
>         if( $options{'D'} ){
>         print STDERR $response->content unless $options{'d'};
>         } else {
>         }

- Lucas Gonze

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