On Tue, 1 Jun 2004, Nicholas S Zambo wrote:

I havent had a chance to look at the site, but what youre describing is 
something i come across every once and a while.  Instead of using a 
submit, try using a click() instead [with whatever the button name is]. 

ive had cases where using submit just seems to reload the same page, where 
clicking the submit button 'manually' works great.  


 Hello all,
 I am trying to use the WWW::Mechanize module to script a login to a site 
 and check some numbers.  Seems pretty easy, I did it successfully with my 
 own site as a test, but now I'm trying to use it on 
 www.terrorexchange.com.  It's one of those faux stock-exchange sims 
 loosely based on current events.  Anyway, the program is little and 
 my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
 $mech -> agent_alias( 'Windows IE 6' );  #i've tried several agents here.
 $mech -> get("http://www.terrorexchange.com/";);
 $mech -> follow_link( text => 'Login' );
 $mech -> field("txtEmail" => "my_emailaddress");
 $mech -> field("txtPassword" => "my password");
 $mech -> submit();
 If you look at the site, it seems pretty cut and dry.  But for some 
 reason, the submit isn't working.  I just keep getting the login page. 
 There are some funny redirect things  going on with the site, so I don't 
 know if that's it.  I've looked at the response content for each step and 
 it all looks good until after the submit.  Almost like it's not doing 
 Can anyone take a look and see if I'm just missing something stupid?  (Or 
 just being stupid)
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