I'm attempting to post a file in a multipart/form-data post using 
LWP::UserAgent and the following command string:

 my $response = $ua->request(POST $baseurl, Content_Type => 'form-data', 
Content => [ request_params => $task_add_postkey, datafile => 
[$task_add_datakey] ]);

Where $task_add_postkey is a set of key value pairs of form data, and 
$task_add_datakey is the full path file name of a file containing binary data. 
The post seems to work fine with the exception of the 48 byte file I am 
sending, is received as 61 bytes on the server. I'm assuming it has something 
to do with how the file is being parsed. 

Is there a better way to put together a multipart post? Am I missing something 
obvious? Is there a way to control the file parser so that the data is handled 
as raw binary data? 

Any ideas????

Thanks in advance..


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