I reread the docs and saw this:

 [ $file, $filename, Header => Value... ]
[ undef, $filename, Header => Value,..., Content => $content ]The first value in the array ($file) is the name of a file to open. This file will be read and its content placed in the request. The routine will croak if the file can't be opened. Use an undef as $file value if you want to specify the content directly with a Content header. The $filename is the filename to report in the request. If this value is undefined, then the basename of the $file will be used. You can specify an empty string as $filename if you want to suppress sending the filename when you provide a $file value.

And updated my post request to look like this:

my $response = $ua->request(POST $baseurl, Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ request_params => $task_add_postkey, datafile => [ undef, 'datafile', Content-Type => 'application/octet-stream', Content => $filedata ] ]);

When I run the script, I get:

Bareword "Content" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at regcompliance.pl line 438

Any ideas?

Thank you,


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