On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 18:07:04 -0300, Toshiro (mailing lists) wrote:
> Hi! I'm using WWW::Mechanize to capture some data.
> Please have a look at the html form below (I'm only showing the relevant 
> parts);
> I'm trying to get the data from the form with this:
>   $mech->submit_form(
>      fields => {
>         txtRateSheetID => "20000",
>         txtAction => "VIEW",
>         txtLevelTypeID => "1",
>         txtCategoryTypeID => "9",
> But I'm failing to get the page I need; I guess it's because I haven't
> set the action property (action=strPage , according to the
> Javascript).
> The question is: how do I define the action to be performed?

Get the form object.  perldoc HTML::Form.  Look for action() method.
Figure out what the JavaScript would set the action to.  Set it to that.

Peter Scott

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