On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:58:03 -0300, Toshiro (mailing lists) wrote:
>> > Please have a look at the html form below (I'm only showing the relevant 
>> > parts);
>> >
>> > I'm trying to get the data from the form with this:
>> >
>> >   $mech->submit_form(
>> >      fields => {
>> >         txtRateSheetID => "20000",
>> >         txtAction => "VIEW",
>> >         txtLevelTypeID => "1",
>> >         txtCategoryTypeID => "9",
>> >
>> > But I'm failing to get the page I need; I guess it's because I haven't
>> > set the action property (action=strPage , according to the
>> > Javascript).
>> >
>> > The question is: how do I define the action to be performed?
>> Get the form object.  perldoc HTML::Form.  Look for action() method.
>> Figure out what the JavaScript would set the action to.  Set it to that.
> I've been trying to do what you suggested, but I don't know how to use
> Mech and HTML::Form together,
> For example, the html page that has the form is the result of a previous
> form that I get with Mechanize using this:
>  my $response = $mech->submit_form();
> then I set the form value and form data with these:
>  my $form = HTML::Form->parse($response);
>  $form->action("strPage");

Odd looking URL there, but not impossible.

>  $form->value("txtRateSheetID", "20000");
>  $form->value("txtAction", "VIEW");
>  $form->value("txtLevelTypeID", "1");
>  $form->value("txtCategoryTypeID", "9");
>  $form->value("txtRateSheetTypeID", "1");
> now, how can I retrieve the contents of this form and save it using
> $mech->save_contents ?

my $form = $mech->form_number(1);
$mech->set_fields(txtRateSheetID => 20000, ...);

Peter Scott

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