I'm willing to take a crack at laying out a vision, high level objectives
and some implementation requirements based on my experiences and see how
much interest there is for a group effort if others are interested in
helping out.  I'm sure I'll miss a lot that others with different
experiences could help fill in the gaps in terms of requirements.  Having a
good design going into this is going to be critical to having something
usable, so I think it'd be worthwhile to spend the time documenting what's
needed and potential approaches before defining the solution.

If there's enough interest and potential contributors, we can move forward
from there...  What do you think?


On 11/22/06, apv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've also been interested for a long time and tried to work on
this 2 years ago but didn't get far enough to bother trying
to release anything.

DOM could be tackled in an HTML::Tree-->XML::"parser" fashion.
That way, bad mark-up could be legitimized and something like
XML::LibXML could handle the DOM.

I would gladly throw down if there was a group effort with a
real plan. I'm not the right hacker to lead this project though.


On Wednesday, Nov 22, 2006, at 13:01 US/Pacific, Christopher Hart wrote:

> I agree that folks have been talking about JS for a long time, and
> that it's
> frustrating, but what I'm suggesting is that we need to tackle a
> different
> problem first.
> This isn't an academic question - without knowing how the DOM is going
> to
> work (or even if there is one), the JS conversation can't be anything
> but
> theoretical (or, at best, very incomplete in the concrete).
> I'm just trying to see if any work was already going on in this space,
> or if
> there was any interest in a team effort to attempt it.
> On 11/22/06, Andy Lester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Nov 22, 2006, at 2:51 PM, Christopher Hart wrote:
>> > Would an "easier" (yet still monumental) starting point be to
>> > tackle the DOM
>> > implementation independent of a JS engine?
>> All of this is pointless unless someone is willing to step up and
>> JFDI.  Otherwise, it's just rehashing the same theoreticals.  People
>> have been talking to me about adding JavaScript support for years,
>> and nobody has ever done it.
>> http://search.cpan.org/dist/WWW-Mechanize/lib/WWW/Mechanize/
>> FAQ.pod#JavaScript
>> xoxo,
>> Andy
>> --
>> Andy Lester => [EMAIL PROTECTED] => www.petdance.com => AIM:petdance

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