I've used WWW::Mechanize before, but not for posting to a form on the web. I'm trying to automate some very boring postings of spammers to the rfci website. I'm not having much luck with it.

mech-dump tells me:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] new-1206]$ mech-dump http://www.rfc-ignorant.org/tools/submit_form.php?table=whois
GET http://www.rfc-ignorant.org/tools/lookup.php
  domain=                        (text)

POST http://www.rfc-ignorant.org/tools/submit.php
  table=whois                    (hidden readonly)
  domain=                        (text)
  evidence=                      (textarea)
  submit=List me!                (submit)

NOTE: There are two fields named 'domain'. This is part of my problem I think.

Also, If I try to explicitly put something in the 'evidence' field, it's telling me there is no such field.

Here's a snippet of the applicable code:

my $browser = WWW::Mechanize->new();
# tell it to get the main page
$browser->field("domain", $_);  # there are two fields named domain
$browser->field("evidence", @body);
# $browser->set_visible( $_, @body );

Thanks for any pointers where I'm going wrong.



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