Duzenbury, Rich wrote:

Hmm, not sure, but I recently did a post, and I made sure to explicitly
set the form number, and explicity click the correct submit button:

print "Accessing the login page\n";
die "Could not access login page: ", $mech->response->status_line unless

# Now, fill in the form and submit it.
print "Logging in\n";
$mech->field( 'txtActNumber', $login );
$mech->field( 'txtActPass'  , $password);
$mech->field( 'radlLogin', "Download");
$mech->click_button('name' => 'btnLogin');
die "Could not submit login form: ", $mech->response->status_line unless


Rich Duzenbury
IT Department
Brokers International, Ltd.
1200 E. Main
Panora, IA 50216
(800) 362-1097 ext 1401

-----Original Message-----
From: M. Lewis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:58 PM
To: libwww@perl.org
Subject: WWW::Mechanize question

I've used WWW::Mechanize before, but not for posting to a form on the web. I'm trying to automate some very boring postings of spammers to the rfci website. I'm not having much luck with it.

mech-dump tells me:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] new-1206]$ mech-dump
GET http://www.rfc-ignorant.org/tools/lookup.php
   domain=                        (text)

POST http://www.rfc-ignorant.org/tools/submit.php
   table=whois                    (hidden readonly)
   domain=                        (text)
   evidence=                      (textarea)
   submit=List me!                (submit)

NOTE: There are two fields named 'domain'. This is part of my problem I think.

Also, If I try to explicitly put something in the 'evidence' field, it's telling me there is no such field.

Here's a snippet of the applicable code:

my $browser = WWW::Mechanize->new();
# tell it to get the main page
$browser->field("domain", $_); # there are two fields named domain $browser->field("evidence", @body); # $browser->set_visible( $_, @body ); $browser->click();

Thanks for any pointers where I'm going wrong.


Thanks Rich. I'm not sure about the form number. Maybe that is what mech-dump is telling me is there are two forms. I'm not sure.

On this page, there is only one submit button. I've tried to explicitly refer to it by 'List me!', but there was an error saying there wasn't any button by that name.



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