From: "Pat St. Jean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm wondering how the GPL and LGPL can be reconciled with part 9 of the
> open source definition.  I don't see how they can.

You are confusing aggregation with derivation. Agggregation is when you put
two separate programs on the same CD. That is what OSD #9 addresses.
Derivation is when you incorporate someone else's work into your own new
work. That is what the GPL addresses. This is a very common mistake and I think
it is addressed in my anotated OSD which appears in the O'Reilly Open Sources

> Also, how does OSD part 3 protect the author of the code from what I
> think (and this IS just MY _OPINION_) are malicious clauses in other
> licenses, specifically the LGPL, clause 3.  A case can also be made that
> LGPL clause 3 is in conflict with OSD part 7, depending on which legal
> dictionary you're reading.

It's not obvious what you are seeing here. Tell me how you come to these
conclusions, please.



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