> Just becuase I have code that make calls to a  certain API, which you
> happen to have implemented, doesn't mean that I'm deriving from your code.

It's a lot easier to make that assertion:

1. If an alternate implementation from mine exists
2. and is available for the user to run with your application on that platform
3. and the user actually has to have it to run your application.

Postulate that you write an application that works with a library full of
no-op stubs. That library just happens to match the interface of a GPL-ed
product I've written, and with that library it is a functioning product. Then
you ship that application with the _intent_ that the user combine it with my
library to run it, which is demonstrated by the fact that it doesn't do useful
work any other way or you haven't shipped an alternative library to that same
user. I think I'd have a legitimate complaint.



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