According to W . Yip:
> As for intangibles like promises and forbearance, it must be recognised as
> having economic value before it can take on the status of consideration.

I see.  Thank you for grounding my speculation.

(I suppose that's why an insurance contract _is_ a contract, then
... though the insurance company has given me nothing but a promise,
that promise will be of economic value if fulfilled?)

> IMHO, consideration is one of those moot points best left for
> discussion on the specific facts when a dispute arises, after which
> the best argument wins.

Hm.  Does that mean that if the GPL is tested in court, it is likely
that the ruling will likely be narrow, based on the definitions of
'consideration' used by the involved parties?  (IYO, of course.)
Chip Salzenberg              - a.k.a. -              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"I wanted to play hopscotch with the impenetrable mystery of existence,
    but he stepped in a wormhole and had to go in early."  // MST3K

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