"W. Yip" wrote:

> [Why does GPL have section *zero* ?]

Computer people like to number things from zero, especially if section
zero is of an introductory nature.
>         'The act of running the Program is not restricted.'
> This is not very helpful either. It is 'not restricted'. Does that mean
> (i) it is permitted, or does it mean
> (ii) the ordinary copyright rules (ie. fair use + exclusivity) apply?

Running the program is not part of the copyright rights-bundle: when you
acquire the program sans EULA-style license, you are an owner of that copy, and
you can run it because that is analogous to reading a book that you own.
> Courts (at least UK) are not in favour of dishonesty, as in your example
> involving lying, and there are remedies under the law of equity such as
> injunctions and specific performance which can go against your revocation.
> Depending on facts, a licensee can also establish 'detrimental reliance'
> under the doctrine of estoppel.

Good point.

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