On Wed, 10 May 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing a little application which is based on code that is licensed
> using a BSD type of license. I want to add a feature for which I know some
> code exists. I found the code but it's GPL'd. If I make use of that code,
> what happens to my license? 

If the GPLd code is compiled along with the rest of your stuff, then
the rest of your stuff needs to be GPL as well. If it can be compiled
into a separate library, then it could be used *provided* that there is
a functionally equivalent alternative available elsewhere in existance.

If you want to release your own original code under any other license
besides the GPL, then you can't include or link to someone else's
GPLd code. 

But you still have the source code explaining the algorithm in great
detail. Write your own original version. It's a bit more work, but
that's the price you pay for the freedom to use your own license.

Another option would be to write the GPLd code's author and come to an

David Johnson...

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