AGAIN I request that you delete me from this mailing

Rob Levin

On Wed, 10 May 2000, Ken Arromdee wrote:

> On Wed, 10 May 2000, David Johnson wrote:
> > If the GPLd code is compiled along with the rest of your stuff, then
> > the rest of your stuff needs to be GPL as well. If it can be compiled
> > into a separate library, then it could be used *provided* that there is
> > a functionally equivalent alternative available elsewhere in existance.
> It should be noted that this claim is highly controversial.  I, for one, don't
> buy it.  It would mean that, for instance, if you make a program that only
> runs under Microsoft Windows and dynamically links Windows libraries, it is a
> derivative of Windows and Microsoft can legally prevent you from selling it.
> (I wrote to RMS.  He confirmed this, though he did suggest that Microsoft
> probably doesn't do it because they want people to buy Windows.)

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