Sorry if this seems pedantic...

On Sun, 21 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   - Convergence.  Despite some degree of internal conflict, the final
>     nail was really the result of independent external resolution of
>     many of the issues we had sought to address.  As of the last meeting
>     (O'Reilly Conference, July, 2000), the landscape was clearly
>     shifting to focus on what seemed to be three principle licensing
>     models:
>     - GNU GPL/LGPL:  A primary license for HP's EZSpeak (?) project,

e-speak.  Also OpenOffice.

>       adopted as part of multi-licensing models by Sun, Mozilla, and
>       others.
>     - Mozilla Public License:  With very minor wording changes, adopted
>       by Sun as the SISSL.

Uh, no.  Adopted by Sun for the "SPL", under which they've released
NetBeans.  The SISSL is much different, much shorter, more in spirit with
the BSD licenses than the other two.

>     - BSD/MIT style:  Apple's Darwin code is derived from BSD sources,
>       and Apple appears more comfortable with the BSD licensing model
>       than GPL.  Apple's own licensing has changed within the past
>       month, I still need to review the changes.

Yes, but to be clear, Apple's APSL is much different than the BSD license.


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