Hi *,

> which
> is going to do some software development as a government contract.

I think ALL Gov software -- since it is PAID for by PUBLIC funds -- and used
for a PUBLIC purpose, should be with PUBLIC licenses.

The software contractors might need to do some hand-holding for the gov.
agency and managers who may NOT be up to speed on software license stuff. ??

Then the challenge is to PICK the right public license. Do you start from
scratch? Or, do you build upon what is already available -- perhaps GPLed?

I think there should be more "lobbist" efforts to advocate for Free and Open
software -- with public agencies.


Mark Rauterkus

> 2. If you are not an educational institution any derived work not be
>    public available.

So, the one's who paid for the software in the first place, -- non
educational -- need to NEVER use it? The aim of gov should NOT be to supress
enterprise. Rather, make it work for all equally open. That move would make
the public sector larger at the expense of the private sector. I think that
is bad government. Are you in the USA? I see the .dk -- so I assume not.
Hence, the rant in a PS part of this message.

license-discuss archive is at http://crynwr.com/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi?3

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