Kindly tell what point you feel I'm trying to evade.

That your "SDC licence" plainly is proprietary.

The SDC Conditions v. 2 breach exactly clause 6 of the OSD (*). If "proprietary" is the right term to describe (informally) a 9/10 open source license, then OK, the SDC Conditions v. 2 are proprietary.

BTW, that's a technicality that I believe can be solved. That is, it is possible to revise the SDC Conditions, or make a new license, that does not breach clause 6, and still implements the SDC philosophy--which is NOT "proprietary".

One way to do it is simply to elliminate the distinction between commercial and non-commercial, and charge everybody. The reason I don't want do go that way, is because I want to offer the software gratis to certain uses, e.g. academic. In my opinion this scenario clearly reveals a drawback of (the strong interpretation of) OSD clause 6--but please this is just a fool's opinion, don't pay any attention :-)
(*) And this only under a certain 'strong' interpretation of clause 6, namely one whereby "restrict" includes "requiring a fee".

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