Richard Fontana scripsit:

> That assumes that the printed text is not "source code" in the sense
> meant in sections 1 and 2 of GPLv2 but is instead "object code or
> executable form" (section 3). I believe the better interpretation of
> GPLv2 is that text in a printed book is "source code ... in any
> medium" (the particular medium being printed text); thus you never
> reach section 3.

"The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it."  It was true at one time that people made
modifications to books solely by writing in the margins and retyping,
but that hasn't been true for a long time.

Is not a patron, my Lord [Chesterfield],        John Cowan
one who looks with unconcern on a man 
struggling for life in the water, and when
he has reached ground encumbers him with help?
        --Samuel Johnson
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