On Thursday 06 September 2012 21:14, Lawrence Rosen wrote:
> I think it would be FAR more useful to have a simple license statement in the 
> source tree of each program that points to the OFFICIAL version of that 
> license on the OSI website.

But it force the user to have internet access in order to actually read the 
licence. There are many countries and places where internet access is for the 
priviliged few.

Besides, sometimes the license text changes. for example, 10 years ago the 
license located at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt was GPLv2. As of june 
2007 it is GPLv3. Meaning that any gplv2 software that link to the licese at 
that location is now linking to the Wrong license.
Therefore at least one copy of the license text should always be included. One 
should Never depend on a license text beeing available online. The text can go 
away for whatever reason.

> This also avoids the duplication of text

On most distros they have a package containing common licenses, so one only 
have to package one copy of the license text, unless the license recuires that 
it be included.

Johnny A. Solbu
web site,   http://www.solbu.net
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