On Mon, 14 Oct 2013 20:09:02 -0400
John Cowan <co...@mercury.ccil.org> wrote:

> Luis Villa scripsit:
> > Slightly more broad than that: a list of licenses that we have
> > rejected, including the rationales for rejection. Your list would
> > presumably be a subset, as some licenses might have been submitted
> > and rejected without a later, false claim to being open source.
> I think publishing such a list would be a supremely bad idea.  Our
> business is to approve licenses, not to disapprove them. 

But if a license *has* been rejected (in some official way -- does
this actually apply to any submitted license, historically?) it is
highly useful to understand why, really just as useful as understanding
what's been approved (and why). 

 - RF
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