John Cowan wrote:

> what, is MIT so incompetent they haven't kept track of what patent licenses 
> they have issued? Apprarently so.


Competence wasn't the real issue. The legal and technical effort required by 
any large organization to avoid incompatible patent license grants can be huge. 
Instead they said simply: "Here is this copyrighted work. Use it. It is open 


Nowadays, software patents are harder to obtain and even those who work in 
universities, research organizations and large companies want their software to 
be more fully open source with broader patent grants and lower patent risks to 
the public. Most now use the Apache or MPL or GPLv3 licenses. 


The subject of this thread is "Views on React licensing?" It should be "Views 
on patent licensing?"





From: License-discuss [] On Behalf 
Of John Cowan
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [License-discuss] Views on React licensing?



On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Simon Phipps < 
<> > wrote:


Do you have a citation to support that please? A quick web search did not 
identify one, but obviously it's a big web out there.


I don't, but it was on one of the OSI mailing lists during the discussion of 
the Brode license (which ended up not being approved).  The Brode license 
provided that any pre-existing patent grant by MIT pre-empted rights granted 
under the license, which a lot of us really didn't like -- what, is MIT so 
incompetent they haven't kept track of what patent licenses they have issued? 
Apprarently so.   At that point several of us pointed out that the much older 
MIT license already contained a universal patent grant; the MIT folks said "We 
never meant it to."


John Cowan 

We call nothing profound that is not wittily expressed.

        --Northrop Frye (improved)


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