Hey guys,
        I'm glad to see that activity is really picking up again for licq 
development.  One feature I'd really like to see in the new Licq is the 
ability to have meta-contacts, that is, a contact in the contact list that 
has multiple IM accounts.  I have many people in my contact list who have an 
AIM and MSN account, and even some people with all three accounts, or more 
than one ICQ/AIM and MSN account.  I'd like to be able to group all of these 
users together and have a single consolidated history for all of them.  This 
is a feature in Kopete that I think is really nice.

Ideally the user would be able to specify, for each meta-contact, which IM 
account to use by default if more than one is online, but replies must always 
go to the account that sent the original message, of course.  Also, the user 
interface does not need to combine the message windows for the different 
accounts, just the history.


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