On Sat, Apr 05, 2003 at 12:04:04PM -0500, Wolf J. Flywheel wrote:
> On Saturday 05 April 2003 10:08, Jon Keating wrote:
[I said:]
> > > If I select some text in Netscape 7 then when I paste into the Licq
> > > window I just get "þ?".  Every time.  On the other hand, if I paste
> > > it into an xterm then re-select it there and paste into the Licq
> > > window, it works.

> > It's a Qt problem.  If you have konqueror installed, you'll see you
> > can't copy from a non Qt program to konqueror or any other Qt program.

I don't have konqueror, but I do have kedit and konsole, and I can cut
and paste from and to those.

>       Is that just on Solaris?  In Gentoo Linux here, I did a little testing of 
> this:  I just copied your e-mail text from KMail into gEdit, a URL from 
> gEdit into Konqueror, and a URL from Konqueror into d4x (a Gtk+ download 
> manager).  All of these work fine, as expected.

I discovered it on Solaris, but the same thing also happens on my Linux
box which is Red Hat 5.1 (!) with Mozilla 1.3, gtk+-1.2.6-7, qt-2.1.1,

>       Perhaps the problem has to do with... hm... maybe a different encoding 
> being used in Netscape than in Licq?  Ian, if you're using KDE, you can 
> use the "Klipper" tool to see whether your Netscape text made it to the 
> shared clipboard -- select text in Netscape and see what it looks like in 
> the Klipper history.  If it looks ok there, but doesn't get pasted into 
> Licq properly, maybe this info could help locate the trouble.

I have a fair amount of kde-1.1 installed but I'm not actually using it.
However, note that this version of kde is linked against qt-1.42 and so
may not provide an accurate diagnosis.

That said, klipper did record accurately everything I selected, whether in
Mozilla, Licq or anywhere else.

Hmm.  But I also have a machine that I can log into remotely (using
my RH5.1 machine as the display), running Red Hat 7.3 with qt-3.0.5
and licq-1.2.0a, and cut and paste works properly on that.

S'pose I should consider upgrading to qt 3, some time.


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