On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 17:56:50 +0200
Timo Rohrberg wrote:

> Hello all together,
> I sucessfully compiled the licq daemon and the kde/qt-gui and
> installed both of them on my Mandrake Linux 9.1 system. Unfortunately
> I can't find any option in the gui to get licq connect using my socks5
> proxy. Do I have to enable this in the licq.conf file found in
> /root/.licq? And if so, which number in the line "ProxyServerType"
> represents socks5?
> Hope, anybody can help me.
Here (on AltLinux, which somewhen was based on Mandrake) solution is:
apt-get install libdante-devel (or install RPM by hand) or get a SOCKS5
from socks.nec.com (?) and install it.
Second, compile licq with --enable-socks5 option for configure.
If you're using dante - then edit your /etc/socks.conf (or where your
dante expects this file to be).
I think there is no way to achieve the same goal using GUI.
Also, dante has socksify script that wraps socket functions to be mapped
through SOCKS proxy, but this doesn't work for me, maybe you're more

HTH, Balkin Ruslan

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