On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 10:02:53 +0200

>  i have one bigger problem, although i think it isn't necessarily
> related to the cvs version. after installation i ran the upgrade-1.3.0
>  script. but ALL contacts, regardless of their status, have the
>  invisible icon, the popup does show their status correctly though.
>  i'm using everything from thomas (skin, icons, ...).

ok, at least here i have a solution. first i compiled without
kde-support, but had kde-gui in licq.conf, which seemed to mess up all
the icons. now i have --with-kde and kde-gui and it works fine. (qt-gui
just looks ugly in fluxbox ;))

btw, something else which is icon related ;)
it is not possible to choose "none" in the skin browser under emoticons.
the setting simply doesn't get stored.
all themes are working fine.


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