while trying to connect to icq with Licq, I always get the following error 
(network window):

16:32:42: [SRV] Verbinde mit Login-Server.
16:32:42: [SRV] login.icq.com an Port 5190 wird aufgelöst...
16:32:42: [SRV] ICQ-Server an Adresse gefunden.
16:32:42: [SRV] Socket zu Server wird geöffnet.
16:32:42: [WRN] Fehler beim Empfangen vom Server Socket :-(
                Connection reset by peer
16:32:42: [SRV] Dropping server connection.

This is from the debug output.

[PKT] Packet (SRVv0, 10 bytes) received:
                ( <-
     0000: 2A 01 1D F5 00 04 00 00  00 01                     *..õ..
By the way I'm using an iptables-firewall via a graphical frontend, but I 
can't tell that know much about iptables.
Changing the port didn't seem to have any effect. I'm using version 1.3.0 of 
Licq on Mandrake 10.0.     
Thanks for any hints.
Greets Andreas

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